10 Mar 2025
Ensuring safe travel for about 2800 Shenton College students each day is no small feat. Recognising these challenges, the PTA’s Right Track program has launched a dedicated behaviour change campaign, working directly with students to reinforce the importance of safety, responsibility, and courtesy when using Transperth services.
The origin of the name Maylands harks back to CY O’Connor’s visionary plan for the Goldfields water pipeline.
Get your students ready to bring some smiles and a whole lot of fun to kids in hospital by supporting Radio Lollipop.
Passengers on Transperth services will soon notice a new campaign encouraging thoughtful travel habits. "Manners in Motion" – being rolled out across the network - aims to foster a more considerate public transport experience and highlights small but impactful behaviours that can make a big difference to fellow commuters, such as keeping backpack use in check, lowering noise levels and standing for adults.
Great news for students and teachers! From Wednesday 5 February, students with a valid Student SmartRider can travel for free on all Transperth and Transregional services. This free travel entitlement is valid Monday to Friday until the end of the school year and aims to make public transport more accessible and affordable for students.
25 Oct 2024
Transperth officials have reported a concerning rise in the number of students accidentally dropping personal belongings onto railway tracks. Many students, unaware of the grave risks, believe they can safely retrieve their items by hopping onto the tracks and climbing back up. However, this miscalculation could not only result in life-threatening accidents but also lead to hefty fines of up to $1000 for trespassing.
Teachers across Perth are gearing up for exciting school excursions, and with Transperth’s Group Travel, these journeys are easier than ever! To help you make the most of your experience, here are some handy tips to ensure a smooth trip for you and your students.
As we approach the end of another fantastic year, it’s time to reflect on the highlights from our group travel adventures. So far in 2024, we’ve celebrated more than 650 school bookings and have made in excess of 1000 excursion trips more accessible than ever!
7 Aug 2024
The Department of Transport Your Move team is excited to announce the 2024 Connecting Schools Grant. This grant round will open at the start of Term 4 for eligible Your Move schools to apply.
25 Jul 2024
The Yanchep Rail Extension opened on Sunday, July 14, and the Joondalup Line was officially renamed the Yanchep Line.
This newly-opened terminus station on the former Joondalup Line has a strong (albeit descriptively short) indigenous origin to its name.
The PTA’s Right Track program has a long-running relationship with Sevenoaks Senior College in Cannington, because of its proximity to the rail network and the diverse make-up of its students.
29 Apr 2024
The original train stations at Fremantle and North Fremantle opened way back in 1881. Yet the history of the area, and its name, goes back even further – to the very first days of the Swan River Colony.
26 Apr 2024
In the last edition of TransEd, we didn’t want to SHOCK you but….we introduced the “Use Your Brains Around Trains” campaign to raise awareness around the risks of electrocution and injury due to trespass on Perth’s expanding train network. With the Yanchep Rail Extension now entering the testing phase, schools between Butler and Yanchep were given the opportunity for the Right Track program to visit their school during term 1.
It’s highly likely that, at some stage, most children will come across trains and/or light rail (and their respective tracks) in the city or in regional areas. And, just like learning to cross the road, staying safe on and around rail is a skill for life.
The much-anticipated C-series train is finally here! Built locally at the Bellevue railcar manufacturing facility, this is the first train manufactured in WA in 30 years. The C-series train comprises of six railcars with 400 seats and can carry more than 1000 passengers.
5 Mar 2024
One of WA's most prominent early colonial figures in the stories of so many Perth stations, it's only right at least one station is named after them.
21 Feb 2024
With the rapidly expanding rail network courtesy of Metronet, many students will soon be able to catch the train as part of their daily commute.
While this will change the way students get around, it brings other risks they may not have been exposed to previously – such as severe risk of electrocution or injury due to trespass.
As we witness the rising popularity of electric buses as a sustainable mode of transport, it's intriguing to delve into the history that preceded this green revolution. Contrary to popular belief, electric buses aren't a new concept but have a rich history dating back to the early 1900s.
On the back of the Summer of Free Public Transport, the state government recently announced free transport for school students on Transperth Services.
2 Nov 2023
Did you know the Public Transport Authority has a program aimed at encouraging young people to behave more safely on Transperth’s public transport network?
The Right Track program is all about promoting safer travel by encouraging young passengers to become more responsible for their own safety, and to make positive choices.
As 2023 comes to a close, the excitement of moving from primary to high school is building. For many students, it also means taking that big step towards independent travel on public transport in 2024.
Transperth took a colourful stand for the LGBTQIA+ community with the unveiling of a striking rainbow bus, symbolising our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
The name Mick Watts may ring a bell with many of the seasoned educators who have taken school trips on the Midland and Fremantle lines.. After an incredible 58-year career at the PTA, Mick said goodbye to the railway industry last month, leaving a legacy that has touched the lives of many.
We're thrilled to announce that Ms Jen McKay, the teacher from Room 13 at Carlisle Primary School, is the winner of the Term 3 Group Booking feedback prize. Ms McKay and her class have been avid users of Transperth services, relying on them to enhance their educational adventures to places like Parliament House, Belmont Library, Scitech and the State Library of WA.
Fasten your seatbelt or, in this case, hold on to your tickets – we're about to take a wild ride through the 2022-23 year that was. With the collaborative efforts of train, ferry, and bus operators, Transperth's Community Education team has been on a mission to make public transport more accessible, safer and fun for everyone.
27 Jul 2023
With more 80,000 young people accessing the Transperth network each month, it’s important that we ensure they can get to where they need to go safely. Unfortunately, many young people are not very experienced at assessing risk. This is something of which our frontline team is acutely aware as they face the challenge of keeping all our passengers safe during their commute.
Are you ready to embark on an unforgettable school excursion? Transperth has become the go-to choice for schools when it comes to excursions, and your feedback tells us the reasons behind it: cost, convenience and it’s a no-brainer for those schools in close proximity to public transport!
Raj, who recently joined the education team, helps students and teachers better understand our services so that they can travel safely and seamlessly on the Transperth network each day.
The Constable Care Safety School immerses children in a realistic environment where they can learn about using public transport safely and, at the same time, develop pedestrian and bike safety skills.