23 Oct 2020
The Department of Transport’s Your Move program recently launched in the City of Stirling, encouraging residents to leave the car at home and consider walking, riding or taking public transport. With ever increasing congestion, this flows onto our schools with the morning and afternoon drop-offs and pick-ups.
As part of this, the Your Move Festival took place at Tuart Hill Primary School on Wednesday 21 October and was hosted by the Your Move schools team. Transperth Education, alongside Constable Care, RAC, SDERA, SkateboardingWA and People on Bikes, worked with the students to promote the benefits of walking, riding, or using Transperth to get to school.
Another key message was safety. “While we had a great day encouraging students to consider active transport options to get to and from school, we also had a very serious message to deliver. Student safety is at the heart of everything we do, ensuring students safely navigate their local streets,” says David McMahon from Transperth Education. “For us, that’s not just knowing who to go to for help, but to also be aware of the risks when in and around buses and trains. A split second of inattention can have lifelong consequences.”
“With the warmer weather and Christmas break just around the corner, students will be outside more and interacting with local traffic. Making sure they are aware of risks, we hope we can encourage them to take a moment to think before stepping out in front of or behind a bus.”
We look forward to continuing our work in schools with the Your Move program in the future.
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