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The Yellow Line – It’s there for a reason!

Author: James Gillam

8 May 2023

Ever been at a station and wondered why there’s a yellow line or strip of tactile markers? Ever since we were kids ourselves, we’ve had it instilled in us the importance of standing back. But what if that information wasn’t passed on? What if assuming young people know the importance of staying back from the yellow line puts our young people at risk of injury or worse?

So why is it there? Train stations can be dangerous. With any heavy vehicle movement, there’s risk if the appropriate behaviours are ignored or not followed. The yellow line exists as a visual reminder that by crossing that line, you are putting yourself and potentially others at risk.

Alan Fuller, Transit Supervisor for the Fremantle Line unfortunately sees this all too often.

“Unfortunately, many young people seem to have forgotten how dangerous this behaviour is, with students reaching out to touch the train, walk along the platform edge or ‘sky-lark’ when on the platform” says Alan.

“We’ve even had situations where young people after school have dared each other to go down onto the tracks – it’s just so dangerous.”

“A train travelling at up to 130km/h will travel 50m in 1.4 seconds, and many people don’t realise how difficult it can be to get back onto the platform. They can twist their ankle on the tracks, trip and hit their head on the rails or getting clothing or footwear caught – it can all go frightening wrong all so quickly”

“Unfortunately, when faced with an oncoming train at high speed, everyone’s fight or flight response is different – some simply freeze, unable to move with catastrophic, life changing consequences for them, their friends and their families”

“My team do not want to deal with the aftermath, so we call on all young people, if you’re using the train to get around, please look out for your safety and the safety of your mates. If you see someone you know getting too close, remind them to stay back, keeping all arms, legs and school bags back from the yellow line.”

If your students use the train, use it as a means to start a conversation about risk taking. In addition, some terrific supporting Curriculum and video resources can be found on the Right Track website to address some of these behaviours.

If you are made aware of any risky behaviour at train stations, please reach out to us at or call 9326 2055 to see how we can work with your school to bring about positive behaviour change with safer travel for all.

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